Promimpresa is a partner of the Erasmus Plus project “VETourismINT: Internationalization of vocational education in the tourism industry (hotels and gastronomy) combining post-pandemic experiences of employers and vocational training providers” (2021-2-PL01-KA210-VET-000050808).
The project has a duration of 18 months, starting in May 2022 and ending in November 2023.

Together with the project coordinator KLS Partners (Poland) and FEKPEDEFTIKI PAREMVASI (Greece), Promimpresa is pursuing the goal of improve the quality of the vocational education in the tourism sector, providing tools and experiences earned post pandemic.
The project aims to to improve the quality of vocational education in the tourism industry (hotel industry, catering) conducted by the Partners and entities cooperating with them through needs analysis, desk research and study visits.
- To disseminate changes introduced by leading VET entrepreneurs from different countries among local employers and VET providers, influencing the sharing of best practices,
- To increase the qualifications of employees and teachers and trainers of partner institutions,
- To increase the quality of work of partner institutions,
- To increase the attractiveness of VET and improve the quality assurance in VET through the internationalisation of the education process
- To reach out to teachers from schools with students at risk of exclusion
- To promote common civic values and social commitment through the cooperation of different project stakeholders: teachers, students, employers, employees of public vocational schools and non-public providers of vocational training
- Employees (methodologists, professional project managers) and trainers employed/cooperating with the partners’s organization;
- Employees and teachers of vocational school;
- Local employers from the tourism (catering and hospitality) sector;
- Pupils and participants in professional vocational training including 10 with fewer opportunities;
Main Output are:
A report on employers' needs in terms of workers' qualifications on the European post-pandemic labor market.
A handbook with remote forms and tools for vocational support conducted by VET from different countries.
Our Partners: