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JobAssist LLP

Promimpresa is a partner of the Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo Da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation project “JOB ASSIST – Better Employment Competencies through Individualized e-training” (2013-1-PL1-LEO05-379269).

JobAssist is developed in close cooperation of 6 partners from 6 countries. The partnership includes the project promoter – AVSI (Poland); the initial project initiator – ECQ Ltd. (Bulgaria); a SME service provider and training center for unemployed Promimpresa (IT); an enterprise network specialised in training and work with unemployed FADE (ES), project support and competencies development institute – Pro-Competence (DE) and a training and rehabilitation center for socially disadvantaged people – STN (IS).

The main aim of the project is to provide integrated support tailored for the most disadvantaged groups of unemployed in the context of global economic crisis (in particular unemployed under 25 years; over 45 years, people facing socioeconomic disadvantages) through development of an innovative integrated training tool in order to increase motivation and self-awareness, create incentives for acquiring the new skills demanded on the labour market, improve job competencies and thus promote efficient reintegration of jobseekers into employment.

The concrete objective of the project is to transfer, upgrade and further develop the results of the successfully accomplished project “Interactive personal training and enhancement of employment competencies – JobTool” which developed innovative training programmes and materials designed as integrated solutions to help the young and older unemployed improve their job-finding capacities.

The main target groups addressed are disadvantaged and unemployed people:

  • young unemployed (under 25 years of age)
  • older unemployed (over 45 years of age)
  • people facing socioeconomic disadvantages
  • unemployed people counsellors
  • labour offices
  • training centers
  • HR agencies
  • enterprises

In this way the tool intends to transfer most recent knowledge from research into practice through training methodology combining the process of counselling, training and job-seeking in a single, integrated approach. 

The project sets out to produce

JobAssist Handbook for unemployed

it will be a training tool for unemployed that can support them in their self-study endeavours, with or without the help of counsellors. It will include a special module for training in basic English - main grammar and most necessary work vocabulary.

JobAssist Guide for trainers of unemployed

it will be designed as a tool for guiding the trainer in the application process of the methodology according to the individual needs of the unemployed target groups

JobAssist Interactive software

the electronic platform will comprise all modules and elements of the previous two tools, interactive practical exercises and a forum.

JobAssist Website

it will provide information for the project itself and will inform the general audience on its progress, events and news.

JobAssist Didactic methodology for training

it will show how JobAssist can be developed in order to best suit the needs of the target groups.

“The Top 10 most demanded skills and competencies” Report

the report will outline the top 10 new most demanded skills in the sectors of social work and business services (and other sectors considered by the partners as the most demanding of workforce).

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