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Sparking Creativity and Innovation
Sparking Creativity and Innovation Skills in the ICT Sector – INNOSPARK
(Programme: Erasmus + – Project nr: 2015-1-UK01-KA202-013698 – Title: Sparking Creativity and Innovation Skills in the ICT Sector – INNOSPARK)
In order to adequately respond to the dynamic changes and challenges posed by environment, ICT companies must promote human talent so as to nurture not just the best technical skills but also the creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship necessary to create and adopt to innovation and thus to grow ICT businesses and make them more competitive.
To respond the new challenges, INNOSPARK project sets the overall aim to spark creativity thinking skills in ICT SMEs, so as to foster innovation and contribute to increasing the growth and competitiveness of European high-tech industries.
Gli obiettivi specifici sono:
- to provide employers and employees in European ICT SMEs with reliable tool to assess their level of creativity skills and identify areas for improvement;
- to enhance the competitiveness and the innovation capacity of ICT SMEs in the EU through practical training tailored to their needs;
- to increase the awareness of European ICT SMEs and VET community about the importance of creativity thinking as a catalyst of innovation processes through provision of state-of-the-art country analysis;
- to inspire ICT SMEs to learn from the successful experience of peer companies which have faced similar sectoral challenges but thrived on knowledge, skills, innovation and creativity.
The project is aimed at two major target groups – ICT micro, small and medium sized enterprises and continuing VET providers.
INNOSPARK project will result in attracting new talents, training European citizens with the relevant creativity skills need in ICT sector, and as a consequence fuelling innovation, productivity and growth in the EU.