Dal momento della sua creazione, il Dipartimento dei Progetti Europei di Promimpresa è stato molto attivo nella promozione dell'inclusione economica e sociale delle persone vulnerabili, nonché nel potenziare i sistemi di istruzione formale e informale per programmi di apprendimento migliorati in contesti nazionali e internazionali.
Grazie a un team appassionato e competente, a numerosi esperti collaboratori e a una vasta rete di partner provenienti da Europa e oltre, abbiamo implementato:
• more than 20 Erasmus plus projects (mainly KA2- Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices) with a focus on education, and inclusion of vulnerable groups (i.e.: women, youth, migrants, refugees, etc.), entrepreneurship, cultural heritage protection, gender inequalities, digitalization and fight against misinformation and hate speech.
• 1 Interreg Med project aimed at fostering the preservation of the marine of the MED regions and 2 IEV Italie-Tunisie projects focused on entrepreneurship and networking and research and innovation in Sicily and Tunisie.
• Lifelong Learning Program projects, focused on training courses and international mobilities, both in sending and hosting activities. In addition, we offer a consultancy service to school in supporting, planning and developing mobilities opportunities (Erasmus+ KA1 project proposal) for school staff and students.