ENG Promimpresa is a partner of the Erasmus+…
Promimpresa is a partner of the Erasmus+ project for the Innovation “Improving Instructional Practices in Adult Learning and Supporting Adult Trainers’ Professional Development” (IPAL). The project has a duration of 24 months, starting in December 2020.
Insieme al capofila Tribeka Training Lab (Spain), and partners AKEP (Grecia), EUROPEAN CENTER FOR QUALITY (Bulgaria) e WISAMAR (Germania) Promimpresa is pursuing the goal of guaranteeing quality in adult education.
L’obiettivo principale del progetto è estendere e sviluppare le competenze degli educatori, sviluppare strumenti per monitorare l’efficacia delle politiche di apprendimento degli adulti e introdurre pratiche innovative nell’era digitale.
Gli obiettivi specifici del progetto IPAL sono:
to increase awareness and culture of quality and relevance in adult education organisations
to increase educators specific skills and to provide continuing professional development
IPAL primary target groups are: ADULT EDUCATION PROVIDERS (ORGANISATIONS) and ADULT EDUCATORS (TRAINERS): through the 3 intellectual outputs, IPAL addresses them to guarantee the CPD of the trainers and the quality of the organisations.
La scorsa settimana (7 e 8 gennaio) si è svolto online il Kick Off Meeting!