Ref. N. 2021-2-CY02-KA220-YOU-000049349
Promimpresa is a partner of the Erasmus + project “H.E.Y.! Heightening the Engagement of Youth” (Ref. N. 2021-2-CY02-KA220-YOU-000049349). The project has a duration of 24° months, starting in March 2022 and ending in March 2024.

H.E.Y.!, funded within the Erasmus+ KA2 programme, will be carried out by the following partners:
- Project coordinator: The Social Policy and Action Organization (Cyprus) www.socialpolicyaction.org
- Redial (Ireland) https://www.redialpartnership.org/
- Association des Agences de la Democratie (France) www.alda-europe.eu
- Agis, Note et Innove (France) www.ani-international.org
- Asoc Grigri Proyectos Socioculturales (Spain) www.grigriprojects.org
- Associacao Juvenil da Linha de Cascais Rota (Portugal) www.rotajovem.com
- Promimpresa (Italy). https://promimpresa.it
The project aims to contribute towards the empowerment of young people, mainly those with fewer opportunities, those returning to their country of origin from abroad, and regionally attached. It aims to inspire youth in implementing social impact actions through a diverse set of activities, producing effective results and outcomes, which will contribute towards covering holistically the target groups’ needs.
- supporting the youth’s positive engagement in building more equal and inclusive communities through innovative and transnational youth initiatives;
- improving the local youth work practice through quality and sustainability of digital youth work, online and blended training and the recognition of the vital role of the youth sector;
- improving successful school-to-work transition to weaken the intergenerational transmission of poverty and reducing inequality.
H.E.Y. wants to target young people who are in the process of integrating into the society as active citizens, socially and financially independent. Targeting mainly:
- Returnees to their country of origin, (students, financial migrants and those who are regionally attached), and those who are in the process of re-integrating into society and becoming active citizens, at a social and financial level.
- NEETs including victims of substance abuse, from minority ethnic, racial, religious backgrounds, and with disabilities.
- Youth workers and professionals working with youth,(job advisors, coaches, and their NGOs), including Educational hubs, social services providers and other institutions.
The project sets out to produce 6 Project Results:
A Guide entitled "HEY! What is Happening?
A Series of Short Video Documentaries entitled “HEY! Tell Me Your Story!
A Training Programme “HEY! Capacity building of the Youth Work”
HEY! E-Learning and Training Platform
An Online Mentoring and Peer-To-Peer Support and Consultation
Policy Recommendations
Our Partners: