Promimpresa is a partner of the Erasmus+ project “Embedding Sustainability Skills in Tourism Education and Training (ESTET)”. The project has a duration of 24 months, starting in October 2020 and ending in September 2022.

Together with the project coordinator Społeczna Akademia Nauk – SAN (Poland) and partners Mazowiecka Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna – MROT (Poland), European Center for Quality – ECQ (Bulgaria), Albea Etudes et Conseils – ALBEA (France), Future in Perspective – FIP (Ireland), Eastern Macedonia – Thrace Regional Directorate for Primary and Secondary Education – RDE (Greece), Promimpresa is pursuing the goal of fostering the development of training programmes related to sustainable tourism.
The project aims to overcome the gap between what is provisioned by VET training programmes and curricula and what is needed by organizations dealing with strategic planning of sustainable tourism activities.
- To identify the most key competences related to sustainable tourism
- To increase the awareness of the target groups on the topic
- To foster an ecologic and sustainable approach to tourism
- To improve the conditions (both social and economic) of the areas involved in the project activities
The main target groups addressed are:
- VET Teachers & Trainers
- VET Learners
- Organizations involved in the field of tourism
The project sets out to produce 4 Intellectual Outputs:
Conceptual Framework for embedding sustainability skills in tourism VET curricula
Portfolio of learning resources for tourism sustainability skills
In-service training programme
Compendium of Success Stories
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