The Gordon integrated method in the relationship with the student
Gordon develops “short training” on communication skills and solving skills for interpersonal conflicts that, through a structured approach, make people and groups more effective.
In particular, he promoted a program for teachers (Teacher Effectiveness Training): some useful methodologies in the classroom to create an effective relationship between teacher and students and among the students themselves.
During the training, teachers will learn how to avoid the “roadblocks” that cause most helping attempts to fail, such as the modification of the environment to prevent problems and conflicts.

Conflict Management between Teachers
Schools put in place particular types of relationships and, therefore, particular types of conflicts, which are to be considered as one of the most important components to achieve organizational purposes, such as for example of working groups or teams.
Conflict is an inevitable social phenomenon – in some respects, even desirable – that characterizes relationships: some conflicts are created for the maintenance of functioning existing, other conflicts are brought about by change.
In the school context, the relationships between teachers are crucial and it is essential that they are managed proactively, constructively, aimed at the well-being of the teacher himself and oriented towards the student.
School directors and members of schools. administrative staff play a fundamental role in this scenario as part of the context in which the conflict emerges.

CLIL Training
CLIL stands for Content and Language Integrated Learning. It’s a teaching approach that uses a foreign language as a tool in the learning of non-language subjects.
In order to operate through the CLIL approach, teachers need to be proficient in three core competence areas: target language; subject content; CLIL methodologies. This course aims at providing a methodological and educational training in the CLIL method to teachers. It is aimed at all teachers both of linguistic and non-linguistic disciplines interested in the implementation of shared learning programmes through a foreign language. This course is also for trainers and educators, instructors.

Distance Learning
Distance learning is becoming a common solution to address modern challenges and to adapt to technological advancement and changing lifestyles. Proper and specific teaching methodologies need to be adopted in order to implement distance learning.
This course aims to transfer specific methodologies to set a productive and efficient learning environment for distance learning through digital means, practising the use of the tools and digital solutions available.

Metacognitive Teaching Methods
Metacognition in neuroscience, is the awareness of one’s own learning or thinking processes – the ability to analyze tasks, set goals, implement strategies and reflect on what we’re learning. This helps learners make greater sense of their life experiences, start achieving at higher levels and improving their emotional and social livesearning how to regulate their behavior to optimize the learning process.
When teachers are able to transfer an appropriate learning method and to cultivate learners’’ abilities to reflect on, monitor, and evaluate their learning strategies, young people become more self-reliant, flexible, and productive.
This course aims to transfer competences and methodologies for teachers to incorporate metacognition strategies in their teaching practices and to teach metacognition techniques to their students.

Ethnic Diversity and Inclusivity in the Classroom
This course encourages the convergence of classroom management to actions aimed at promoting inclusiveness, providing the competences and methodologies needed to develop specific disciplinary techniques and relevant classroom management strategies to address diversity in all of its forms and in particular ethnic diversity.
Having an understanding and respect for other cultures and ethnicities is an important aspect to establish in the classroom environment and to nurtur the personal development of students.
The training purpose is to learn to design a class project that reflects the goals of a multiethnic curriculum. The programme focuses on (a) recognising the school and classroom ethnic composition, (b) positive ethnic identity for ethnic minority students, (c) multicultural/diversity training and cooperative learning, and (d) the promotion of social competence and prosocial behaviors.

Expert in rehabilitation and diagnosis for students with disorders of the autistic spectrum
The autism spectrum disorder is characterized by serious and persistent difficulties in social communication and social interaction at multiple levels, including deficits in social reciprocity, in non-verbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction and in skills being development, maintenance and understanding of relationships.
The symptoms of autism spectrum disorder are grouped into two broad categories: socio-communicative deficit and behavioral alterations. The role of the teacher is crucial for the students cognitive development: he/she must be able first of all to recognize the presence of the disorder and then to prepare a suitable and personalized didactic and methodological program to facilitate and optimize the students stay at school. At the same time, the teacher must be able to communicate with families and medical specialists. Finally, it is essential that the teacher is able to manage the emotions that arise.

Intensive English course for teachers and school staff
A dynamic course for teachers who intend to improve their proficiency in a foreign language or become more familiar with innovative methods for teaching in a foreign language classroom.
Objectives: Improve teacher’s English competences through implementation of experimental language-learning methods and practice.
Main Contents:
- Master English grammar rules from simple to complex structures
- International business English and English spoken locally
- Writing skills, resume, cover letter
- English learning method Introduction and tools
- Pronunciation and English Phonetic Alphabet
- Conversation LabMultimedia platform for Language Learning

European Project Design and Management
European Project Design and management training for school staff, aims at providing a thorough understanding of the EU grants and will allow the participants to acquire the theoretical and practical fundamentals of project management in order to acquire and improve project management skills and increase access to European Funds. The training will offer extensive use of exercises and case studies about all funding opportunities proposed with main focus on Erasmus+ Programme projects.
After completing this course, the participants will be able to: Comprehend how EU grants function, Planning and drafting the project idea, Partners coordination and responsibilities sharing, Organizing and implementing the activities (applying best principles and practices for good management), budgeting, technical and financial progress of an funded project, monitoring and evaluating.

Gamification in education and Game Based Learning
Games can introduce goals, interaction, feedback, problem solving, competition, narrative, and fun learning environments, elements that can increase learner engagement and sustain motivation.
Gamification applies game elements or a game framework to existing learning activities; game-based learning designs learning activities that are intrinsically game-like. Participating in this course will discover how to integrate game-based mechanics and game thinking to turn the learning process as a whole into a game. (Gamification) and practical apps and tools to use games as part of the learning process (Game Based learning).

Soft Skills – Competencies for the creation of a productive and efficient workplace
Soft skills are communicative skills, teamwork, creativity, entrepreneurial skills, time management, decision-making and so on. They are much more aligned with the personality of a teacher, his/her way of thinking, attitude and motivation. Also, they are more “transferable”, which means: usable in different contexts, this makes teachers able to perform better at the workplace. The course will help teachers to create a productive and efficient environment because it give the opportunities to raise awareness about
- positive attitudes and behaviours (e.g. taking the initiative and doing one’s part of the work);
- a strong sense of responsibility (e.g. definition of objectives and priorities, compliance with obligations, reliability);
- adaptability (e.g. carrying out multiple tasks or projects; being innovative and resourceful; being open and sensitive to change);
- interest in lifelong learning.

Pathways for teachers and learners wellbeing
This course focuses on enhancing a positive approach to education to promote well-being of both teachers and students within the school environment.
Participants will learn how to develop positive thinking related skills whilst being introduced to key concepts educational psychology. Theories and researches will add substance to their practical exercises aimed at improving communicative skills with themselves, their students and colleagues, learning how to convert negative, disruptive, un-effective communication into positive relationships. Furthermore participants will also be introduced to mindfulness, which wil enable them to clear their minds, boost self-awareness and focus on their goals.

Entrepreneurship in European Projects (VET)
This is a course where you will learn how entrepreneurship works in European VET projects and more…

Do you want more information about our training courses?
Coaching and school counselling skills
Counselling is a helping approach that highlights the emotional and intellectual experience of a person: how a person is feeling and what they think about the problem they have sought help for. Teachers can adopt coaching tools and strategies to foster and improve students’ learning process, attainment and emotional intelligence and identify the potentialities for an individual tailored path.
Objectives: Enhance the understanding of coaching and emotional intelligence, offering teachers the possibilities of using coaching methods in formal education pathways, and boost learners’ learning process and motivation. Get insight and concrete ideas on how to manage challenging situations in the school setting (lack of motivation, vulnerable background, etc).
- Basic concepts and principles about coaching and leaning process
- Coaching skills and tools
- How to foster motivation and engagement
- Balance of competences
- Effective communication

Start up making of and Business Planning
An intensive training session that will cover the crucial points and the most efficient methods, useful for developing sectoral knowledge regarding the formulation and implementation of business models in today’s markets.
- Study of Business Planning models and structures
- Creation of the Business Plan,
- Study of the Market and Competitors,
- Management of Resources
- How to get investors through a Business Plan
- How to implement a Business Idea in the real market
Development of fundamental knowledge for the preparation, launch and implementation of a business project.

Teaching entrepreneurship and Leadership
Entrepreneurship is a dynamic process of vision, change and creation towards the creation of new ideas ad solutions. Supporting students to develop an entrepreneurial mind-set and leadership skills at school to acquire concrete working methods, learning activities.
- Entrepreneurship and leadership in today’s world
- Entrepreneurship key-words: start-up, incubators, fab labs, business model.
- Business model Canvas
Pedagogies for teaching Entrepreneurship in classroom - Success story presentations: entrepreneurial leader
- Learning how to use concrete learning activities and didactic games to support students to develop entrepreneurial mind sets and assertive attitudes.
- Getting to know case studies, best practices and experiences, tackling entrepreneurship and leadership
in the school - Learning how to deliver experiential workshops, simulation activities to foster students
entrepreneurial attitude and interest

Digital Marketing Basics
A course that will allow its participants to develop the fundamental skills to approach the world of Digital Marketing: a branch of advertising that represents the primartool for promoting a Business.
Digital marketing principles will help participants get their message out and see more success in business or other online endeavors.
- Use of Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter
- How to communicate your idea of Online
- Business: Academic Models and Studies
- Study of Digital Marketing models through the analysis of CASE STUDIES and success stories in the world of online communication
- The creation of a Marketing Plan
- Creation of Business 3.0 Models for digital markets,

Community Management
A course focused on the development of the Communities and the audience of a company profile or an influencer personal profile to support the online communication of a project for profit.
- How to Find Your Message and Your Audience: Study of the Niche
- How to create a community: social media tools and influencer marketing
- How to manage a community to create profit margins
- How to create Engagement to sell your product online
- How to get your product talked through online media

How to start on a Freelancer Career
A course aimed at developing the entrepreneurial spirit, fundamental for the creation of a self-managed business. A flow of lessons and practical tests to understand how to find your market based on your aptitudes, how to find the missing skills based on the reference market, how to place your job profile online through dedicated platforms, how to cut costs and improve the results with a proper time management, how manage the administrative and fiscal aspects of the earnings, how to turn their professionalism into the international market, and become a solid player through the Freelance Work model.
- How to identify your sector
- How to bridge the knowledge gap with respect to competitors
- How to enter the reference market
- How to offer your skills to online customers: social media, press and communities
- Analysis and study of online platforms for freelancers to start offering their services in the
international market: Upwork, Linkedin, Fiverr, Addlance etc