Micromobi | Erasmus+
La micromobilità comprende la maggior parte dei piccoli veicoli individuali che funzionano a bassa velocità e non sono alimentati a gas, dalle modalità attive come camminare e andare in bicicletta agli skateboard, alle biciclette elettriche, ai monopattini, alle sedie a…
Launch Announcement: Social Peas E-Learning Platform
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Social Peas e-learning platform, co-funded by the European Union! Visit us at socialpeas.eu to explore a wealth of knowledge and resources designed to enhance your understanding of Permaculture and Social Permaculture, with a…
Open Vacancy Senior Project Manager
Job Description Promimpresa Società Benefit SRL is looking for an experienced and committed Senior Project Manager to join our team and contribute in the management of EU funded projects of territorial cooperation / education & training / research & innovation/competences…